Romacan b'Log

Farewell 2024

A candy drive-through at Bunk 3. A haunted house in Bunk 9. A Bat Mitzvah in the common room of Clubhouse 7. A megabed in Romrec. The year could be 20...

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Romrec Week 6

Dear Families, As we begin to wrap up this extraordinary summer, my heart is full of mixed emotions. I want to take a moment to look back on the past ...

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Juniors Week 6

Hello wonderful junior families, It feels very bitter sweet to say out loud that today marks the one week to go mark at Camp Romaca. I am personally s...

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Annex Week 6

Hi Annex families, I am here to tell you all about a jam packed week that we endured. Sunday began with a visit from the Grandparents and it was so ni...

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Clubhouse 7 Week 6

Hi Clubhouse (soon to be Annex) Families, As I sit down to write this Blog, you’d think my eyes are teary from all of the emotions, but in reality it’...

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Debs Week 6

Hello Deb Families! What a crazy and fun week we just had at camp! It was packed with so many amazing activities that had your girls laughing and play...

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Subs Week 6

Hello Sub Families! We are in our final week of camp, can you believe it?! Time has flown by here at Romaca, it feels like the busses were just pullin...

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Inters Week 6

Hello Inter Families! And just like that the final week has come around. I can’t believe how fast this summer has gone by. It’s been filled with such ...

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Senior A's Week 6

Hello Senior A families, Welcome back to another blog!! I cannot believe the summer is starting to wrap up and that I am recapping week 6! What a fun ...

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Clubhouse Week 5

Hi Clubhouse families! Week 5! Wow! Where has the time gone? I’m sure you’re starting to get excited about seeing your girls very soon, but we are goi...

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