Typically, college level staff members at Romaca have “dual” responsibilities. Your day is reasonably divided between teaching in an activity area and carrying out the responsibilities of bunk counselor. In your capacity as an activity specialist and bunk counselor, you will be teaching alongside other Romacan staffers.
Romaca offers staff positions in the following general activity areas:
Soccer, Tennis, Basketball, Lacrosse, Softball, Volleyball, Field Hockey, Golf, Archery, Track & Field.
Swimming (WSI’s & Lifeguards, Competitive Swim), Water-skiing, Wakeboarding, Kneeboarding, Boating (Canoeing, Kayaking and Sailing), Windsurfing.
Project Art, Ceramics, Applied Materials, Recycled Art, Screen Printing & Tye-dye, Painting and Drawing, Jewelry, Sewing, Bead & Lanyard, Cooking & Baking, Digital Photography, and Graphic Design.
Gymnastics, Yoga, Strength/Weight Training, Spinning, Aerobics, Trail Running, Cheerleading.
Theatre, Dance, Yoga, Piano, Guitar, Voice, and Instrumental Music.
Alpine Hiking, Ecology & Conservation, Pioneering, Nature Instruction, Climbing Wall, Zip Line, High Ropes, and Mountain Biking.
English Riding, Trail Riding, and Stable Management.
Limited availability exists for select candidates who wish to live with, and chaperone our youngest age group of campers (1st & 2nd grades completed). These staff members are unique in that they do not teach a specific activity, but accompany and actively assist their campers during all activities and throughout all aspects of their day. Previous experience with young children is required for this position.
Often, positions in our Advisory Staff group are promoted from within our existing population of camp staff. However, we do hire from outside of this internal pool. At all times, we seek highly qualified, mature adults, with requisite experience to lead specific major program areas or divisional age groups. Candidates who are applying for positions in either of these categories should possess strong skills of leadership, instructional ability and have previous supervisory experience.
Romaca also has positions available in key areas of support to the camp. These most vital staff members are encouraged to ingratiate themselves into camp-life and actively participate in all special events and activities whenever possible.