Senior A's Week 6

Senior A’s Week 6

Hello Senior A’s families,

I hope you are all enjoying your summer because I’m in disbelief how quickly the weeks are flying by here. It was another impactful week beginning with watching the most adorable Juniors/Inters perform their production of Aladdin. The girls were so excited to see their Grandparents. Rain was not going to damper their excitement because they all loved their quality time together. The rain stopped and the girls were able to show their grandparents some of their favorite spots at Romaca.

Apache Relay was set back a few days due to the liquid sunshine but once it began there was no stopping the girls. Each division participated in the apache relay with having a specific part of the race. The entire camp ended down at waterfront for the Romrec rope burning. The Annex girls ran collecting firewood for Romrec while Clubhouse 7 led the girls in song and cheers until the rope was burned. All of camp watched Romrec and cheered for Kiawah and Shawnee as they worked hard for almost 2 hours to finally burn the rope! At the end, it is always emotional as the Romrec girls run into the lake all hugging, crying and celebrating all they had achieved together and anxious in anticipating what was still to come.

There was great anticipation throughout the camp as the girls and counselors were waiting for Olympics to breakout. It was an amazing breakout as the girls ran to the tennis courts where fireworks began followed by a 4 counselors walking on the roof of Romrec holding the flags of the 4 Olympic teams. As the captains and lieutenants were named, many emotions were felt by all. Olympics signifies the beginning of the end of the summer. The girls are celebrating for each other and their friends that were named captain and lieutenants but Olympics is a true bittersweet moment. The 3 days are fully packed with events such as track meet, gymnastics, swim/sail competitions, skit performances, individual clean-up scores, silent meals and so much more. The girls walk around all day in their Olympics colors and cheer on their teammates during each event. The teams all presented their plaque and last night they had their cheer song, pep song and sweet song presented. The scores were announced as all the girls were yelling, “Four Way Tie.” We had a closing ceremony and then all came together as a camp to sing “Friends and Pals.”

Although the summer is coming to a close, there is so much to look forward to for the upcoming week including Subsway, Secret Show, Banquet, Wish Night, Mall/Movie Day and of course laughing and making more memories together.

Enjoy your final week and of course thank you for sharing your girls with me!

