Debs, Week 4

Dear Debs Families,

Wow…this week went by fast!!! ​Last ​Friday night​,​ I took the girls off camp to see the Berkshire​ Theater Group’s​ production of, “​The ​Music Man” which was really fun for the girls​-a little taste of culture and Broadway :-)​. On Saturday we saw a superb Romacan production of “High School Musical​,​” which was performed by Clubhouse​ ​7 girls and the Greylock boys. ​The girls couldn’t help but sing and dance in their seats! ​Nothing stopped your girls from cleaning, organizing, and creating posters to welcome all of their mommy​s​ and daddys for ​V​isiting ​D​ay. The girls were so excited to see all of you and show you around a​ll of​ their favorite spots​ on camp​. I loved talking ​to ​and meeting all of you and I hope you enjoyed the day as much as we all did! As soon as you all left, all of the girls​’​ big camp sisters scooped the girls up for some tight hugs and we all went down to rec swim to splash around. We played some running around, silly games at night to work off some of the delicious goodies you all brought for the girls. On Monday, the girls ​auditioned for their show, “Newsies”. Rehearsals are going great and​,​ as an added bonus, we rented the movie, “Newsies” for the girls to watch so they would really understand what their roles are about.
Monday night we had an all camp evening activity of Counselor Hunt where the counselors hide and your little ones try to find them. All of the counselors are worth a certain value (some positive and some negative) which makes it really exciting. Tuesday night, the girls all dressed up for some square dancing with Cliff B ​roduer. They all learned some new dances and ​many ​remember​ed​ the ones that were taught to them from previous years. Another BIG highlight in our week was Trip Day! It was a day packed with great activities. We started off at The Clark Museum, shopped and had lunch in Williamstown, and ​played ​mini golf along with splashing around down the slides at Bousquet Mountain. We finished our day with flavor burst ice-cream and made it back to camp just in time for dinner. Only at camp do you have dessert before dinner. :) The day was a blast!!! It was another busy, busy, busy and FUN week for the Debs. In between all of this, we are working on our Deb Carnival which is only one week away!
Enjoy your week!!!

Debbie Hansel