Trainees, Week 4


Hello Romaca families!

We had a great Visiting Day with all of you last week. It was wonderful seeing so many of you again and meeting so many new faces. We know you all enjoyed your time with your daughters and your girls had a great time with you. We re-entered camp world right after you left and have been busy swimming, dancing, cheering, climbing, and playing ever since. The girls already sense the time slipping away and no one wants to waste a minute of their time here with their friends. The Debs had their hike this week- a huge success! Our camp went on their various day and overnight trips and visited museums, candy stores, the beaches, water parks, local villages and nearby cities. It was a treat for everyone to get off camp for a bit but they were anxious to return and be back “home.” We look forward to the Debs show of “Annie” this weekend and the Romrec show of “Something Rotten” as well. We have an all camp Treasure Hunt around the corner, camp sister Twin Night, and many more special events sneaking up on us very soon. Have a great weekend-stay COOL-and we will catch you on the “radio” again next week.


Debra & Lauren