Annex Week 1

Hi Annex Families,

Now that the first week of camp has been completed, I am so excited to tell you all about it. Our summer began with a rainstorm, but the spirits were not dampened. I was so happy seeing how excited the girls were to finally be under one roof. Weattended our first campfire together as a swarm of purple. The first wish night of the summer is always a special moment and we were so lucky that the rain held off for the evening. The girls got to visit and tuck in their camp sisters before they made their way back to their bunk, ecstatic for their first night in one room as a division (although they did stay up a little bit too late with excitement!).

Over the course of the first weekend we took part in all camp activities including “Get to Know your Camper” and “Get to Know your Counselor”. I was beaming with pride watching them perform a song that they worked so hard on and it was so nice watching everyone being involved in the process. It was also such a great way for us all to get to know each other and it has made me even more excited to spend this summer with them.

The rest of the week was made up of regular activities, a social and a karaoke night. Every activity that the girls take part in is always done with such energy and enthusiasm, as the girls are just so happy to be reunited again. We also got to celebrate Selma and Jordan ́s birthdays which also made me super jealous not to have a camp birthday of my own (the cake is amazing!!).

Next week will be a busy week as the girls audition and begin preparations for their production of Camp Rock. The play will take place in the Rec Hall next weekend alongside some of the boys from Greylock. Keep an eye on the social media accounts for photos and videos of this amazing performance. We are also getting ready to begin brainstorming theme ideas for the BEST event of the whole summer….. Banquet. I’m sure the girls will spend the summer writing to you with updates as we continue with the planning process.

Be sure to tune into the blogs weekly for new updates about what is going on about camp and I cannot wait to see you all in just a few short weeks. Until next week.

Lots of love,
