Clubhouse 7 Week 1

Helloooooooo Clubhouse Families!!!

Coming to you live from our wonderful camp in the pines after our first full week of camp! The stress and social pressures from the school year have been shed, the once memorized math equations and grammatical rules have been replaced by campfire song lyrics, and the bracelets have already accumulated up to their elbows. I am sure you have been missing your girls over the last seven days, but as they say,“time at camp romaca swiftly passes by,”and we were all just discussing how we cannot believe we have already been here for a whole week.

We started off strong with not one, but two special events to kick off the first few days of the summer. The Clubhouse girls performed their first ever full division song to introduce themselves at “Get to Know Your Camper.” In my completely unbiased and most humble opinion, their song to the tune of “Pursuit of Happiness” put all the others to shame. As you know, we love writing songs here at Romaca and their first group performance was a fantastic start to their careers as Senior B songwriters. The next day, they traded their pink tank tops for all black and camouflage in order to get into the spirit of everyone’s favorite activity: Predator! In a giant game of tag, the whole camp was split into teams categorized by animals in the food chain, and ran across camp collecting bracelets while avoiding their predators and tagging their prey (very clever, I know). The girls ran up and down and up and down the entire camp while I cheered them on from my very comfortable seat at a bracelet station.

We have also had some amazing evening activities (again, from my absolutely unbiased perspective.) Last night all of the Clubhouse girls and counselors did a round of “Speed Dating” so that they could get to know each other. Rather than finding a match at the end, the goal was to learn something new about someone in the division that they may not have been in a bunk with previously. For example, which celebrity they would take out to dinner, the names of the stuffed animals they sleep with every night, what they’re looking forward to most this summer, and if they would rather have really really really long arms, or really really really long legs.

Although we have had some truly incredible special events so far, my personal favorite parts of the week have been the smaller moments, and I’m sure many of your girls will agree. A few days ago, I went to the waterfront during their “Small Crafts” period, and we spent the entire afternoon capsizing one another and racing on the various kayaks and paddle boards back from Blueberry Island. Even though I was the main target of their capsizing plots, it was so much fun to see these girls revert back to the most playful and innocent versions of themselves. At the end of the activity period, the same girls who “didn’t want to get in the lake” were jumping into the deep water crib hand in hand as one big happy division. Considering it has only been one week, I am so excited for many many more of these “little moments” throughout the summer.

Tune in next Friday for a recap of Lip Sync Battle, July Fourth festivities like Paint Your Counselor, and for more of our favorite little moments from the week.
