Debs Week 1

Hello Deb Families!

I cannot believe that it has already been a full week here at camp! Time really does fly by when you are having fun. The girls have all settled into their summer home and are bonding with each other and their counselors. Friday night when the girls got here we began our summer with our first campfire! All of the girls came dressed in yellow from head to toe and we made sure to sing as loud as possible, “Debs, Debs, that’s our name!” We started off our first full day at camp with a bang, doing “Get to Know Your Counselor” on Saturday night and “Get to Know Your Camper” on Sunday night. The campers got to see what department all the counselors work in and we as counselors got an insight on how each bunk is. The girls were able to sing, dance, perform a skit, really anything to show off their personality as a bunk. Those two nights were full of laughter and some wacky skits.

On Sunday morning we had picture day where each of our beautiful campers got to show off their lovely smiles. The girls decked themselves out in Romaca clothing. They took pictures by bunk and individually which were adorable. Later Sunday afternoon, the entire camp played Predator. The girls got all dressed in camouflage and dark clothing. Predator is where the camp is divided into teams as different animal types on the food chain and it is like a giant high energy game of tag/hide and seek.

We have begun discussing Deb’s Carnival this week. I can’t say the theme yet, it’s a secret! The girls are so excited to start the planning. This is a huge responsibility for the girls and will be a great opportunity for them to work together as a division. I am optimistic that this will be a huge success and I can’t wait to see the girls’ creativity come to life. I am so happy to have such a creative and loving group of girls this summer. They have been full of energy and life, making the days fly by.

I am SO excited for what the summer has to bring for the Debs and I am looking forward to the laughs that I know we will all share. Check back in next week to see how the Debs have been making their way around camp!

Best, Emma