Juniors Week 1

Hi families of our incredible juniors,

Wow, what an amazing first week we’ve had at Camp Romaca for 2024. As staff, we couldn’t contain our excitement on Arrival Day as we watched cars and buses roll into the carpark filled with our favorite people! From the moment your children stepped onto camp grounds, they were greeted with cheers, songs and the warm welcome that only the magic of summer camp can provide. Our Romacan welcome songs echoed through the carpark, filling everyone with a sense of belonging and excitement for the days ahead. The whole camp is in awe of our juniors and wanting to ensure they have the best summer ever!

We witnessed initial nerves quickly transform into excitement as our juniors met their counselors and fellow campers, and eagerly explored their new summer homes. One of the most heartwarming sights for me was seeing the campers unpack their belongings and transforming their bunks into cozy, personalized spaces. Each bunk is decorated with loved items and memories from home, all with fascinating stories attached. We have had the pleasure of hearing all about our camper’s wonderful families, beloved pets, and exciting adventures at home.

Arrival day concluded with our first campfire for the summer - Wish Night. This truly special night gathered us all dressed head to toe in our divisional color RED, singing our favorite Romacan songs together, and making personal wishes for an incredible summer ahead. The magic of Wish Night extended beyond the campfire, as our juniors settled in for their first night in their bunks getting to know each other and forging friendships that promise to bloom throughout the summer… “She’s got spirit, til the end, that’s because she’s our best friend!”

As they settle in, we’ve observed the bonds between campers growing stronger by the day. The juniors have been so welcoming, intrigued and kind to each other. There have been many stories shared, laughs galore, candy trading and bunk dance parties. We have had fun divisional evening activities including camper compliment cards, visual story writing, charades, get to know each other activities, ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’ (or our new version thanks to the juniors) ‘Camp, Camp, Romaca’, and my favorite yet ‘The Commercial Game’. For this, we joined with the Inters division and split into groups to create fun commercials and skits about random objects at camp. The campers were so exceptionally creative and hilarious - the audience was in awe.

Another highlight throughout the week was our “Get to Know Your Counselor” night, followed by “Get to Know Your Camper”. Each division of counselors, and bunks of campers created performances that introduced themselves in a creative and fun way. These were another example of Romacan spirit and enthusiasm, and our juniors being the stars of the show. The crowd cheered them on and they learned new chants to repay the favor as other divisions performed.

You may receive excited letters home explaining our all camp activity, Predator. This is where all campers are divided into teams named after animals, and led by the Romrec girls, to essentially play a huge game of tag crossed with hide and seek. At each safe station, campers could collect a bracelet and continue on if they hadn’t been tagged. We still have some very proud juniors carrying their Predator souvenirs for all to see.

With each passing day, your children are growing, learning, and experiencing the joy of summer camp to its fullest. The juniors already hold such a special place in all of our hearts. Their infectious enthusiasm, boundless energy and endless curiosity make every day at camp a joyous experience.

As we embark on this summer journey together, please rest assured that your children are in the best hands. We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment for them to create memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you for allowing us all the opportunity to get to know each of your children, they truly are the most wonderful people all with incredibly unique, inspiring and warm personalities.

Here’s to a summer filled with adventure, friendship and fun.


Amber xo