Senior A's Week 1

Hello Senior A 2024 Families!

Happy first week of camp, and happy first Romacan b’log of the summer!

We started the summer off strong with a great first campfire! The girls dressed in blue, from head to toe, and showed off all the attire that they will be wearing this summer. I love the onesies, from the Cookie Monster, to fruits…think I need to get one myself :)

Throughout the week, the girls were in and out of fun activities such as Predator and “Get to Know Your Camper”, where the entire camp came together to meet and introduce one another in a very Romacan way.

On that note, a main part of this week for the Senior As was getting to know one another within the division. From “speed dating,” coming together to talk about what it means to be a Senior A, and creating songs that will be anthems for this summer, the Senior As have really gotten to know each other and they truly are such an incredible division on camp :)

Talk about an incredible group, the Senior As have been wonderful big camp sisters this week. They have visited their younger camp sister’s bunks each night, exchanged gifts, and supported them in their first week of camp. The Senior As are such great role models and are totally the leaders of lower camp!

This b’log would not be complete without mentioning that the Senior As have completed one full week of Senior Choice! They have chosen the activities they would like to do most, and they have created personalized schedules, catered to their needs and wants! Whether it be horseback riding, tennis, gymnastics, or creative arts, your daughters are getting to choose where they want to spend their time and I believe it’s giving them more confidence as they walk around camp :)

That is all for now, the sun is shining and it is time for me to go to the waterfront to enjoy rec swim with the girls! Be sure to look out for my next weekly b’log which will likely share some highlights such as the girls’ play with Greylock, their first social of the summer, and one of my personal favorites, the Fourth of July!!!

XOXO, Hannah