Subs Week 1

Hello Sub Families!

I cannot believe we are officially done with our first week of camp! Time has flown by here, with each day bringing us a new adventure. Opening day was full of energy and cheering. WE’RE ALL TOGETHER WE’RE HERE WE’RE HERE! Ten months counting down on the calendar and the day we all had been waiting for came. We closed out opening night with each division sitting at the campfire wearing their divisional color for Wish Night. Each camper got an opportunity to give themselves a goal for the summer and sit with their division once again. Oh how we have missed you Romaca!

Come Sunday it was time for a classic all camp activity… drum roll please… PREDATOR! This year we decided to spice up the competition by having different species at the same stations all at once. It was very intense, you could hear “ATTACK!” from practically anywhere on camp. By the end, Hawks took home the victory but everyone left the game with their feeding bracelets. Everyone is a winner at Camp Romaca!

A little later in the week, we had “Get to Know Your Counselor” and “Get to Know Your Camper”. We got to see amazing performances from departments like Waterfront, Riding, Landsports, the Groupheads, and many more. We learned that our campers love dance parties and that we have some skilled songwriters amongst them. Both events were full of laughter and love.

Thursday the Subs had a soccer tournament at Danbee, with nine of our girls bringing home 1st Place! We completed against four other camps and the girls played their hearts out. WE ARE SUB-SENIORS, WE ARE THE BEST! Soccer mom mode was absolutely in full effect that day!

The girls are getting ready for their performance of Grease and watching all of the prep has made me super proud. I know that their opening performance is going to leave the audience incredibly impressed. I can’t wait to be front row with all of their counselors cheering them on. THEY’VE GOT SPIRIT THAT’S NO MAYBE THAT’S BECAUSE THEY ARE OUR BABIES!

We have had an amazing first week here on camp and I cannot wait to see what the summer has in store for our amazing Subs. Be sure to check back in next week to hear about our time here on camp!

With Love,

Ashley, Subs Grouphead