Annex Week 3

Hi Annex families,

I cannot believe that we have completed three full weeks already. The summer is going by too fast!

Last weekend saw our production of Camp Rock take place and the girls were absolutely amazing on the stage. On Sunday we then got to travel to Greylock to support our Senior As in their production of School of Rock. I can’t wait for the next few weeks of performances and to see the Clubhouse 7 performance this Saturday night.

Sunday saw Romacaween take place (Halloween at Romaca), and as Romrec were away on their trip, Annex got to lead their groups to each station. This was a super fun activity which resulted in lots of candy.

Monday was a huge night for us and to keep tradition going, Annex got the opportunity to lead campfire. Dressed in our purple, we sat around the campfire, introducing ourselves and the songs of the evening. The girls worked so well together in the few days leading up to this, choosing what songs they wanted to sing that night. I was so proud watching them, and I know that they will be great leaders in Romrec.

The remainder of the week was made up of a swim meet, basketball tournament and tennis tournament. It was so great seeing so many girls get involved in these sports.

Thursday was everyone’s favourite camp event, DJ Jeff. The girls spent the whole night dancing and enjoyed spending time with the boys from Greylock too. We were very grateful to have a late wake up on Friday morning, to catch up on sleep and to have the energy to get the camp ready for Sunday.

I am so excited to meet you all on Sunday, and I know the girls can’t wait for all of the illegal candy they will get !!

Lots of love,
