Annex Week 5

Hello Annex families,

I can’t believe it has been 5 weeks since Arrival Day. So many exciting things have been going on and I can’t wait to tell you about it all.

The week started with alumni weekend and the girls were so excited to see so many of their old counselors from last year and spend some time with them. They enjoyed showing off their lip sync routines and playing tennis with them. Sunday was the all camp activity of Treasure Hunt and the girls were great at assisting Romrec leading their teams.

Monday was Birthday Night, led by the Senior As. We all got to dress up in our seasonal colors and spend time with children from other divisions. I always love watching our girls interact and help the younger campers out and it makes me so proud.

This week included a few rainy day schedules which also allowed for some much needed late wake ups. With the weather being wet and rainy, this was the perfect opportunity for the girls to spend time in creative arts to begin our Banquet preparations. It is less than 2 weeks away and we are super excited for it to come around.

Thursday was Deb Carnival. This is a day filled with fun activities and yummy food. It is an event that I personally look forward to every year and it is nice seeing the girls enjoying themselves with the younger campers once again.

I cannot wait to see what next week has in store and when the much anticipated Olympics is going to break out. Of course, we have no idea when that will be (myself included) but I am super excited for the events upcoming.

Lots of love,
