Clubhouse Week 5

Hi Clubhouse families!

Week 5! Wow! Where has the time gone? I’m sure you’re starting to get excited about seeing your girls very soon, but we are going to hold onto them for just a little while longer. As we head into August, us Romacans know just how quickly these next two weeks will fly by, so this week was the last semblance of the calm before the storm.

It was a week full of birthday celebrations, starting off with Miss Chloe Tucker’s birthday where we celebrated with pizza and a movie in the rec hall! The next day, we celebrated everyone else’s birthday on camp at Birthday Night! Led by the Senior A’s, all of the campers got decked out in their seasonal colors and traveled around camp with their “birth month΅ group. It was a great opportunity to do silly activities with campers of all different ages, and some girls even discovered that they had a birthday twin on camp! Of course, it wouldn’t be a Birthday Night at Romaca without singing “Happy Birthday” 4 different times with 4 different cakes. Supposedly it is one cake per season, but to us it felt like the perfect excuse to eat 4 pieces of cake (we wouldn’t want to leave any of the seasons out!).

This week we also had another very special event… Cliff Brodeur! We promenaded, square danced, and cotton-eye-joed all through the night, and the girls looked like the cutest cowgirls in their flannel and denim outfits. When the country music subsided and choruses of ¨This land is your land” were no longer ringing through the air, we buckled down and got right into preparing for Olympics. As Clubhousers, the girls are responsible for writing “Pep,” arguably the most fun song that we write, learn, and sing during the 3 days of Olympics. SO! To get them in the Olympics spirit, we gave them a trial run where they warmed up their songwriting skills to the song “Classic.” The alumni counselors even got into it too, writing their own “Pep” to show the girls how it’s done.

Again, this week was our last full week of regular activities before we jump into the special events that close out the summer, but that doesn’t make this week any less special! I can guarantee that some of your girls’ favorite moments from the summer will come from these “regular” days at camp. Whether it be playing water polo in the lake during activity periods, making bracelets in Creative Arts, or holding each others hands on the way to the dining hall, this week has provided us with a plethora of little moments that the girls will remember for many years to come.

I’m not sure if you can feel it in the air, but the Olympics hype is upon us, and I don’t mean the one’s taking place in France. I’ll be in touch soon with news from the Romacan Olympic games when they officially “break out…” whenever that may be!

