Debs Week 2

Hello Deb Families!

I cannot believe that Week 2 has come to an end and it is time for a Blog again! Time is flying by here at camp and we are desperate for the days to slow down. We had a busy week here at camp between special events, hikes, and 4th of july. We started out our week on Sunday with our lip sync battle! The girls had a great time dressing up in fun costumes and coming up with a full routine to perform. We then went on our hike on Monday. We packed up all our gear, and drove up to October Mountain. When we got there, the girls set up camp, and hiked a 2 mile loop back to the campsite. The girls had a blast and some of them even said they wanted to do it again when we finished. Back at our campsite, we spent time together, eating, talking, and playing games. The girls had fun sleeping in tents, sitting around a campfire, and most importantly eating S’MORES!!

Come Thursday is when the real excitement happened. Happy 4th of July! We started the day with a late wakeup, a camp favorite, then had the girls participate in Rap Battle. Rap Battle is where each bunk is given a word that correlates to Fourth of July and they get to create a remix to a song of their choice. They then perform it to the rest of camp. After lunch we did Paint Your Counselor, a personal favorite, where we got jugs of red, white and blue paint and the campers were able to paint any counselor they wanted. Each division then showed off their art on the runway and jumped into the lake after. It was an afternoon full of laughs and fun! Lastly, we finished the night off with a red, white, and blue campfire down at the waterfront and watched some fireworks by the lake while we sang campfire songs.

Some other highlights from the week include the Romaca swim invitational, brother sister with Greylock and brother sister with Winadu. We also had some really fun evening activities this week, including a karaoke night, rock painting and an upcoming night swim. We have another busy week coming up so make sure to keep an eye out for my next blog! Have a great week everyone!

