Debs Week 3

Hello Deb Families!

Another week has passed, time is flying here at camp, and the girls are fully into the swing of things now! This week at camp was filled with so much fun and excitement for the Debs! The girls were busy with swim meets, gymnastics tournaments, and fun days of activities. They have been really getting into all their activities and have so much enthusiasm! They continue to keep that energy even for evening activities. One evening activity this week we played statues where the girls had to use random clothes and items from their bunks and reenact situations. They had a blast! Saturday night the girls saw Camp Rock performed by the Annex girls and the Greylock boys. Then on Sunday night we went to Greylock to see the Senior A’s production of “School of Rock” performed with the Greylock boys.

On Sunday we had an event called Romacaween! The girls were split into groups and given a theme to dress up as. They then went around to different stations and completed activities in order to go “trick or treating” and get candy. Monday night, Annex got a chance to lead us in campfire because Romrec was away on their trip to Cape Cod. They did a great job and brought a lot of energy. The girls were so excited to dance the night away at DJ Jeff on Thursday night! They had so much fun decorating their DJ Jeff T-Shirts and wearing them that night. It was SO fun being able to spend the night dancing with all of the girls and sharing laughs. It is truly one of my favorite nights here at camp.

We have a special weekend coming up at camp and we could not be more excited! The girls have been taking time to work on bunk decorations and getting ready for all of you! We are looking forward to seeing all of our lovely families this weekend here at camp with us for Visiting Day! I cannot wait to meet all of you and the girls are counting down the minutes until your arrival! Tune in next week to hear about how Visiting Day went and how the rest of the week at camp has been for our amazing Debs.

