Debs Week 5

Hello Deb Families!

I am SO excited to tell you all about this week. With both the Debs show and Debs Carnival, I would say it was definitely the most exciting and hard working week for the girls. I am beyond proud of them all and they were absolutely phenomenal in the show as well as extremely hard working in making sure the carnival was perfect.

The week began by the girls performing their Debs show “Beauty and the Beast” on Saturday and Sunday. They were truly incredible, and they worked hard to learn their lines, songs, and dances in just a few short days. They all did an amazing job singing, dancing, projecting their voices and memorizing all their lines. I was truly impressed with how well they worked together and helped each other, all while having so much fun! Sunday after the conclusion of the Debs show we had Treasure Hunt. Treasure Hunt is an all camp activity where the girls split into teams and follow clues to go all around camp to find a treasure box and try to unlock it with their code. Inside is an all camp prize! Our prize this year is a Romaca hair towel and cosmetic case.

Monday was Birthday night, hosted by the Senior A’s. The theme was Monsters Inc! The whole camp broke into seasons and celebrated everybody’s birthday. We had some themed activities followed by dinner and cake for each season.

Wednesday we had the opportunity to go and see a circus performance about 20 minutes away from camp. The performance included a comedy duo, juggling acts, balancing acts, and aerial acrobatics. This was really cool to see and the girls highly enjoyed it. Wednesday night we had Cliff Broder come to camp and lead us in a night full of line dancing and fun.

All week the girls have been so busy in creative arts, making sure all the decorations and activities for debs carnival were ready. Deb Carnival finally came along on Thursday and we had the best day! I can now announce that our secret theme was “Deb’s Under The Sea” (if you haven’t already heard from your daughters). The day was a blast and it started bright and early as the Debs got to wake up the whole camp by running around banging on pots and pans! It was very loud and the girls loved being in charge! They announced their theme at flagpole and got to dance through the dining hall at breakfast signing our traditional Deb Carnival song. All day long the girls took turns running our carnival booths, playing the games and collecting tickets! They enjoyed eating all of the yummy carnival food…snow cones, popcorn, and cotton candy!

Thursday night we finished up the exciting day by playing Flag Football for evening activity. The girls had so much fun running around and getting all of their energy out. We had our Gymnastics Invitational on Friday! A lot of the girls participated and were so excited to show off and their gymnastics skills.

We have an exciting week ahead of us and the girls are looking forward to Grandparents Visiting Day, Romaca Relay, and Olympics!! This summer is flying by and I am loving every minute with your amazing girls!! Make sure to stay tuned for next week so I can tell you all about these exciting special events!

Have a great week!!!

