Inters Week 5

Hello Inter Families!

I can’t believe it’s the end of Week 5 already! How time flies when you are having fun…

We have had such a busy and exciting week here at camp. The week started off with the Inters and Juniors auditioning and receiving their parts for the Jinters play. I just know it’s going to be such a brilliant show this year. The girls have all been working so hard over the past week in and out of rehearsals; learning lines, dances, songs and making props and scenery. It’s so lovely seeing it all coming together.

On Sunday, we enjoyed a special treat with a screening of the Debs’ show - Beauty and the Beast. The performance was amazing and a true inspiration for our girls when it comes to their show this weekend.

The girls were super excited for our evening activity on Saturday night. We had a night swim! They all loved either splashing around in the lake or building sandcastles on the shore. It was a perfect way to spend a summer evening.

Monday was a super busy day. Some of the campers started off their day participating in the horseback riding showcase. Lots of rosettes were won as the girls showed off their riding skills. The showcase then ended with a special BBQ as a big well done for everyone involved. Later in the evening, the Senior A’s led us all in celebrating Birthday Night! We all dressed up in our seasonal colours and split into groups depending on our birthday month. We went around in the groups to different activity stations before meeting up again on Lagoon field to enjoy a special dinner and of course lots and lots of birthday cake.

Wednesday night brought us the long standing tradition of Cliff Broduer! The whole camp dressed perfectly for the occasion in plaid shirts, denim shorts and cowboy boots. Everybody took their partner by the hand whilst dancing to some country classics like Cotton Eye Joe.

On Thursday afternoon the Debs brought us a second treat for the week with Deb Carnival. The theme this year was “Under the Sea”. We enjoyed lots of carnival food and games where we won tickets to swap for prizes. The trainees also provided us with a spooky haunted house and I have to mention my favorite activity - the dunk tank. Of course lots of the girls also got married to each other at the wedding ceremony station too.

Lots of love once again,
