Juniors Week 2

Dear Junior Families,

I hope this blog post finds you well and filled with excitement for the latest updates from camp! Week 2 has been filled with fun as your children have been diving headfirst into new adventures, making friends, and creating memories.

Sunday we had a day full of our famous Romacan Lip Sync Battle, which is a personal favorite of mine. The creativity and energy the juniors brought to the stage was incredible! Each bunk created a masterpiece to perform in front of an adoring crowd. They were all stars on the stage encompassing their inner Taylor Swift and Beyonce. The lip sync battle wasn’t just about miming lyrics; it offered a stage for our juniors to show their talents and imagination, and more importantly have fun, be silly and laugh with their friends. Each group brought their unique flair, costumes, and props, transforming the barn into an entertainment arena. Campers cheered each other on, celebrating every performance as a collective triumph - “the juniors, the juniors, the juniors make the world go round”. As staff, we were all so proud to see how the juniors embraced the stage and each other. They truly embodied the camp spirit, showcasing their personality and talents in front of an enthusiastic audience.

After an exciting day of Lip Sync Battles, we had our second campfire of the season - which is always a special way to end the week together. Campfire is often the answer I receive when I ask what our camper’s favorite activity is. I’m so impressed by the way the girls have thrown themselves into learning our campfire songs, dressing up in their divisional colors and reveling in the magic and camaraderie of the whole campfire experience.

This week one of our most anticipated “secret” events began…sneak out. Since the beginning of camp, our juniors have heard whispers of sneak outs from their camp sisters and peers, however this week they started experiencing them for themselves. Our senior A camp sisters organized to “sneak in” to the junior’s bunks after lights out to “sneak” them out for some fun planned activities all under the assumption the rest of the camp is unaware. Rest assured sneak outs are all supervised, and last a short period of time before the girls are all returned “secretly” to their bunks for a restful night. The memories however are lasting and the juniors relish the extra time and attention they receive from their camp sisters - it’s a truly special tradition.

During the week the girls were invited to watch the Subs division perform their much anticipated “Grease” show - it was incredible! The juniors that haven’t been with us before now have an idea of what to expect for our “Jinters” show later in the season where we will join with the Inters division to put on a performance of our own. The staff are eager to create matching shirts and signs to support the Jinters, and the campers are excitedly chatting about what show they will be performing.

As we continue our journey here at camp, I wanted to take a moment to highlight some of the cherished traditions that have been bringing smiles to our campers: family calls home and brother/sister visits with Greylock and Winadu brothers and cousins. These moments of connection are not just about catching up; they’re about sharing the excitement, stories, and growth that define their camp experience. I truly believe that seeing your smiles and hearing your words of encouragement has reaffirmed the juniors confidence and happiness in their summer adventure, and has had a hugely positive impact on each of them.

A big congratulations is in order for our juniors who went to the swim meet this week. Romaca was fortunate to receive 2nd place overall and we have some very proud campers on our hands. On this note, I am so very proud of all of our juniors for their involvement and spirit during daily activities. I am so chuffed with their willingness to try new things, and celebrate each other’s wins.

Our week continued to roll on with 4th of July celebrations in full swing. Decked out in red, white, and blue, the juniors proudly showcased their patriotic spirit throughout the day. The highlight of our celebration was of course, our traditional ‘Paint Your Counselors’ event. Armed with bowls of paint, the campers covered their counselors head to toe, giggling along the way at what they had created. We enjoyed a special cookout, 4th of July themed Rap Battles and a campfire on the beach, where we wrapped up our night by spotting some fireworks from across the lake. I am so grateful to have shared this special day at Camp Romaca, and with your amazing children. I truly am so blessed to be the junior’s group head this year and look forward to filling you all in on our next week of adventures.


Amber xo