Juniors Week 3

Hello Juniors Families,

I cannot believe we are already nearing the middle of our time at camp! Our juniors are continuing to share in the most incredible experiences together. They are growing and learning and letting themselves shine here at Camp Romaca. This week has been full of fun and sweet moments.

We had an absolute blast at Romacaween! Imagine a Halloween inspired fun filled day of activities, with a side of trick or treating. Campers and staff were decked out in an array of imaginative costumes that ranged from spooky to silly. We saw a sea of color and excitement wandering through camp partaking in activities including bobbing for donuts, cookie decorating, solving riddles, musical tombstones and face painting. It was such a fun day for all!

Rookie Day saw potential campers and their families visiting us for the day. Our juniors were thrilled to meet the rookies and showcase their beloved camp. It was the sweetest sight to have our girls excitedly welcome the rookies and chat to them about the adventures they’ve been on. They led with such enthusiasm and passion and were so happy to share their camp stories and traditions. They were extra chuffed to have an audience to show our songs and cheers to during activities and lunch time.

I am sure this will also be the case on Visiting Day. We are so very excited to see you all! The juniors have been busy mastering the camp’s activities and traditions, all in eager anticipation of your visit. They cannot wait to demonstrate their newfound skills and proudly show off their bunks and favorite spots around camp. We can’t wait to welcome you as you witness the joy on your children’s faces as they proudly show you their summer home away from home. Prepare for a day filled with laughter, exploration, and the joy of being together in our beautiful camp setting. This day is an opportunity to reconnect and celebrate your amazing campers and the summer adventures they have been experiencing. Please rest assured, we will be there to nurture them upon your departure and remind them of the fun times to come.

One of my favorite moments this week has been seeing how proud and special our juniors feel when they realize just how adored they are by the entire camp. There have been so many moments throughout the week when our girls faces have lit up as they felt this - from Romrec girls knowing who they are and greeting them by name across camp, to the bonding time they get to spend with their camp sisters devoting their full attention to them, to spending time with girls from other divisions during activities and noticing common interests, to staff cheering their names and encouraging them at activities. These girls are truly cherished and it is incredibly rewarding to witness the joy and confidence they feel when they realize just how much. Moments like these really emphasize the positive impact of this supportive and nurturing environment. Camp Romaca really is such a special community, where your girls are truly celebrated for simply being their amazing and wonderful selves. They are all so unique and full of character and zest. They bring life and laughter to our days, and we are bursting with pride to be a part of their experience.

DJ Jeff was in the building this week… the most anticipated day of the summer for some. What started with chants around camp to welcome DJ Jeff and his team, to t-shirt decorating, to autographs being signed, to dancing the night away with our Romaca family, the juniors had a fantastic time. The dance floor was alive with laughter and synchronized dance moves, showcasing the incredible camaraderie our campers have built over the weeks. The smiles as the campers danced and sang the night away was a testament to the memories being made here at camp. The juniors eagerly awaited the Romrec girls’ dance performance at the end of the night and watched on in awe, clapping and cheering as the girls had their final DJ Jeff dance. We chatted about how that could one day be them, surrounded by names etched into the walls of the Rec Hall, about to add their own.

As we continue through the summer, we’re excited for more adventures, learning opportunities, and moments of growth for each camper. Thank you for trusting us with your camper’s summer experience. We’re honored to be a part of their journey and can’t wait to share more with you soon!

Warmest, Amber xo