Senior A's Week 5

Hello Senior A families,

Welcome back to another blog, I cannot believe I am writing about week 5!

This week was packed with tons of fun, and the special events are all starting to happen :)

Birthday Night was on Monday and your Senior A girls absolutely smashed it, leading the camp through an entire night to celebrate their birthdays. The first portion of the night consisted of the girls dispersed around camp, leading activities for the rest of the camp, grouped by season, to enjoy. There was an escape room, friendship bracelet making, capture the flag, a scream simulation, all centered around the amazing theme…. Monsters Inc!!!

Following these activities, the girls served the entire camp in a Monster Inc themed meal and everybody enjoyed the food down on the lagoon field where they were separated into tables by their birthdays. It was totally a birthday party, from the creative arts-made decor, the centerpieces, the colorful table cloths, the music, the cakes, and all of the vibes! The Senior As are just so much fun and anything they put on is going to reflect that. I know the whole camp enjoyed this event, and there were new aspects to the long held tradition of birthday night that I know are going to be so memorable for years to come.

Moving through the week, the weather was a little rainy here, which made for some rainy day schedules, but which also made room for all-divisional activities! It is so nice that Senior Choice schedules allow the girls to spend time in activity areas that are important to them. On the flip, it makes for less time in activities as a whole division. This week, though, there was tons of divisional time in and out of so many activity areas and it is special to see everyone all together, all around camp.

Continuing with the divisional time, Birthday Night behind us opened more evenings for divisional activities filled with bonding, fun, and competition! There have been many circles made, a game of bench ball played, and the Romaca-classic-game, statues, slayed (ha!).

Cliff Brouder took a trip to Romaca on Wednesday night and the girls dressed up in their plaid and jean uniforms and danced the night away. This is a Romacan tradition that I love. It is always fun to cotton-eye-joe and do-si-do once a year in the Rec Hall!

One of my favorite memories from this week was watching the Senior As in the dance studio, choreograph an all-divisional dance for themselves that they will put on for the camp at the end of the summer. Encouraged by one of their counselors and then guided by one of the dance staff, the girls were eager and excited to work together and all contribute to create a fun dance for themselves. I watched the girls step up and share ideas, take this whole thing so seriously, cheer and celebrate when they finished choreographing, and be the most excited to just perform the minute long dance, over and over again, throughout the period.

I cannot leave out the mention of a younger division peering through the dance screen doors, in awe at your Senior As as they performed and choreographed this dance. They are such leaders, role models, and set the tone for Romaca spirit and fun. Whether your daughters have had dance privates on their schedules this summer or do not typically participate in this activity area, they all shined and had the biggest smiles on their faces. I cannot wait for them to perform for the whole camp, this is truly one special division and each and every one of them are valued, important, and incredible.

That is all for week 5, we are going into this upcoming week with anticipation and excitement for all that is so come to close out the summer. Between the Romaca Relay, Olympics, and so much more, the girls are going to get to share what they have been working on this summer and compete in a Romaca way. I am so excited to sit back and watch them do so. As always, I feel the luckiest to be Senior A’s group head, and Romaca has an incredible energy with your Senior As a part of it.

Look out for more next week!!

