Subs Week 4

Hello Sub Families!

We are officially over halfway done with camp! I cannot believe just how much time has went by. It feels like the blink of an eye. This week has been full of adventure for the Subs! After seeing all of our loving families on Sunday, we were off to hike Monument Mountain on Monday morning! We were in four hiking groups, each making our way up the mountain to finish all together and eat our lunch at the top. We then camped out in Pittsfield overnight then made our way back to our home away from home, Romaca.

Tuesday we had our Staff Swap where campers were able to bid on fun services the staff were offering such as lunch on a boat, a free trip to Topsy’s or a gator ride around camp! We ended the night with all the bunks getting something special to do with their friends.

Come Wednesday we had an all camp movie, Shrek 2, while it stormed. We all came into the Rec Hall and ate candy, laughed and smiled together. It was a great time and before we knew it, the storm was over. That night we had Spa Night with the Juniors and Inters where our Subs were able to experience for the first time what being on the older end of a camp sister would be like. It was a cute night and all of the girls were able to bond over face masks and nail painting.

Thursday brought Trip Day! We spent the day at Six Flags and we had an amazing time. The groups were small so that all the kids were able to go on lots of rides. We came together midday to eat lunch, then after that the campers and their counselors were free to go back out onto the rides. The day flew by and by the time we were on the busses home, all of our Subs were fast asleep.

Overall, it has been quite the week to be a Sub! We have had a week of travel and bonding and I cannot wait for the fun we have lined up in our last few weeks here at camp. Be sure to keep an eye out for our blog next week to hear about our time at Romaca!


Ashley The Adventurous