Subs Week 5

Helloooo Sub Families!

It’s Week 5 and we’re feeling fine here at camp! We have had a week packed with excitement, special events and even a trip!

Monday we found out who our Trainees for the summer are going to be! The girls were so excited that we got two and since, the two have been coming to all of our evening activities! It’s been extremely fun to have more alumni on our team, especially with SubsWay quickly approaching! The girls really look up to them, as one day they will be in their shoes.

Tuesday brought us our last social of the summer. It was here at Romaca and the girls had a great time dancing the night away with friends. All of the counselors came dressed as princesses with silly hats. We had our very own dance party once the boys left and then the Subs were off to bed. What can we say, girls just wanna have fun!

Come Wednesday, the Juniors through the Subs went to Lenox to watch Summersaults in the Berkshires, a traveling circus. They were in town from Sarasota, FL and their talents were unbelievable. Someone balanced on another person’s head and a woman was able to juggle TEN balls! A good amount of the girls came to me that night saying “I’ve never been so impressed in my life!” Overall, it was a 10/10 experience.

Thursday morning we woke up to a different tune, Debs Carnival! It was a great day and the Subs were happy to not work this time around. They had on their helper hats however, guiding the Debs through any questions they had. We ate together, did the slip and slide and even visited our annual Haunted House.

We hosted a gymnastics competition on Friday and the turnout was great! We had five camps come out and complete with us! Some of our amazing Subs were in the competition and it was so nice seeing their skills. I don’t know why I still am surprised at how amazing our Subs are! They inspire me to try new things myself.

We have officially begun the work for SubsWay, with songs being written, name tags being cut out and our backdrop being painted. It is going to be a day to remember with all of our superstars together!

Overall, we had a great week here on camp. Each day has been full of activities, making the time slip by. I wish these moments could last forever. As we wind down the summer, we are extra mindful of why we come to camp and the things we love most. We still have Olympics, Banquet, Secret Show and so much more to look forward to. Be sure to keep an eye out for our blog next week to see what new adventures the Subs have been part of!

Love Always,

Ashley, The Subs’ #1 Fan